http://msaofuturefoundation.com/die-stiftung/arbeitsfelder/staedtebau-und-architektur-21/#c3446 Sono disponibili 20 posti per gli associati persona AIB. Per leprenotazione rivolgersi ad Angela Munari (Presidente AIB Veneto) aiseguenti recapiti tel. 0412711440 – mobile 3405788951 –a.munari@querinistampalia.org FIRST INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY SUMMIT4.10.2019, VENICE · 9.30 AM TO 9.30 PM CONFERENCE DAY OF FUTURE LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE Wandel und Innovation, Politik, Entwicklung, Dynamische ArchitekturChange and Innovation, Politics, Development, Dynamic Architecture…

http://www.etabtodi.it/public/file/120719_134123_31leonardo%20architetto%204.pdf http://www.etabtodi.it Intervengono:Arch. Raffaele Davanzo, Storico dell’Architettura, Presidente ISAO OrvietoAvv. Claudia Orsini, Presidente di ETABDr. Claudio Ranchicchio, Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Todi

What is Oodi? Helsinki Central Library Oodi is a living meeting place at Kansalaistori square, right at the heart of Helsinki. It is one of 37 branches of Helsinki City Library and part of the Helmet library network. Oodi will complement the cultural and media hub formed by Helsinki Music Centre, Finlandia Hall, Sanoma House…
