I disegni di Le Corbusier

Alcune Biblioteche di Architettura hanno acquistato Le Corbusier Plans un’opera in 16 DVD contenente circa 35.000 documenti inediti tra disegni, schizzi, studi e progetti realizzati da Le Corbusier e conservati presso la Fondazione Le Corbusier di Parigi. E’ possibile la navigazione all’interno di liste ordinate cronologicamente. I progetti sono corredati da fotografie e testi di presentazione. La Biblioteca Interdipartimentale di Ingegneria e Architettura di Bologna li ha messi a disposizione on line ad accesso riservato UNIBO.

La Biblioteca Michelucci ha realizzato un file in excel dove sono riportati tutti i temi progettuali, così che possa essere visibile in quale dei 16 DVD siano presenti le tavole.  Si segnala che la maggioranza dei disegni (circa 33.000) riguarda l‘Unité d’Habitation di Marsiglia nei DVD 8A e 8B.

Le Corbusier_Banca Dati Completa

Segnaliamo inoltre il sito Web https://www.echelle-1.com/project_list.html : Le Corbusier Plans Online –

Echelle-1 in conjunction with Fondation Le Corbusier (FLC) in Paris, have published (started in 2005 and completed in 2012) Le Corbusier Plans, a set of 16-volume DVD-ROM Boxes (LCP), that boasts over 38,000 high resolution digital data of plans, diagrams, sketches, drawings and other manuscripts of master Le Corbusier’s lifetime architectural works. We truly appreciate your purchase of the LCP DVD-ROM.

Responding to the patronage of yours alike, we are hard at work in advancing further the merit of Le Corbusier Plans. And now finally, we, Echelle-1, have begun the operation of Le Corbusier Plans Online (LCPO) subscription service. The LCPO subscription service, which is offered annually, provides an easy and prompt access across the board in search and retrieval function of the entire database of over 38,000 architectural documents, i.e., it is no longer limited by the individual DVD-ROM. This capability will expand further the various ways of utilizing the database and open more and new possibilities for those researchers, academicians, architects and students worldwide for yielding new results.

Furthermore, in the head page of LCPO subscription service, there appears a periodically issued ‘Journal’ in which regularly updated Le Corbusier related articles and information are featured. Additionally, it also spotlights on a select work of Le Corbusier archived in the LCP in each issue to revisit and provide new revelations by newly contributed supplementing texts regarding the topical subject. The plan to enhance and reinforce this ‘Journal’ segment is underway